Silicone Lubricant – Woman Formula


This long-lasting lubricant and massage fluid gives you all the time in the world to experience pleasure


Specially formulated for the soft and sensitive skin of a woman, enjoyed and safe for use by everyone. Enhances any sensual experience, whether or not lubrication is required. Pjur Woman Silicone bodyglide is super-concentrated to provide extra long lasting lubrication that never becomes sticky. This certified authentic medical-grade formula is latex compatible, non-toxic, odorless, tasteless, non-irritating, and hypoallergenic. Recommended for people with sensitive tissue or susceptible to infection, as silicone is inert and will not promote bacterial or yeast infections or block pores. Contains no oil, water, glycerin, or preservatives. Used worldwide for massage by professional massage therapists and lovers as it remains silky with no need to re-apply or to clean up after use. Ideal for erotic massage as it can be used all over the body and is compatible with all condoms. 20% less viscous (thinner) than the Original Pjur Eros Bodyglide, this formula is designed for those looking to feel more sensation and slip. Makes the perfect bath lubricant, as silicone is water-play friendly, and washes off with cleanser and water. Ingredients: Cyclopentasiloxane, Dimethicone and Dimethiconol. Leak-proof screw top bottle, the 100-ml bottle measures 5.75″ tall. Made in Germany and meets stringent manufacturing standards.